Leadership Positions

                      Leadership Positions

Three leadership positions at American Village : HLC, School Trip Manager and Vacation Camp Director.

Three leadership positions at American Village build on each other in a sequence. Each has its own requirements. You can start at any level, based on your experiences, training and competences. 

→ Head Language Counselor (HLC), an activities counselor with extra leadership responsibilities. 

A previous American Village experience is required.

How to apply ? Using the Veteran Counselor application, update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

→ School Trip Manager – A director’s position, but only during School Trip Camps. 

The name in French is « Responsable Voyage Scolaire ». 

How to apply ? Using the correct application, School trip camp or school trip camp veteran , update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

More information available in French only, as it is a pre-requesite, here

→ Vacation Camp Director – A director’s position during Vacation Camps. 

This position required certification in France: a BAFD or equivalent diploma. 

How to apply? Using the correct application, Vacation Camp Direteur (BAFD), Vacation Camp Directeur Veteran , update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

You can start at any level, based on your experiences, training and competences. 

More information available in French only, as it is a pre-requesite, here

Under certain conditions, American Village can help you finance your BAFD, more info here